Barre Chords
E Shape Barre ChordsFollow the Chromatic Scale
We can take this same shape and ascend by one fret at a time, or half step increments. The pictures show how the E shape barre chord in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th frets create the F#, G, G# and A major chords respectively. Click on the navigation controls to see the different photos.
Modifying the E Shape
Any way we modify an E chord, we can modify the E shape, and alter the barre chord accordingly. By leaving off the finger on the third string, we change the E major to an Em. We can apply this to the E shape barre chords. Sometimes we will call this the “Em shape”. Look at the images:
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have been playing the leadguitar and the box for about 4months Now and pretty wholesome with my progress maybe a bit to my knowledge of the piano but still not satisfied because things have been pretty poor at times you have really explained how and what I know but couldnt apply thank you very much
Certainly! Glad to know this is helpful to you, Peter.
Images on this page are missing 🙂
Fixed. Thanks!